May 1, 2009

My Newest Born Baby!!

May 1, 2009
Like I've said in few last post, every month i made a newly baby (read:magazine) to born and compete with other teenage magazine out there. This month we brought you the 'Dancing Queen' theme which contain many many articles about prom night.

i know, some of you might think "i don't care, i'm not teenagers anymore and i don't have to buy your magazine". But this is just my way to express the joy and welcoming this newly edition because we worked so hard for it. You know the proud-yet-thankful kinda feeling? Yes, that's what i feel right now.

So guys, without any further a do.. please welcome


Go buy it, check it or simply adore it *hehe*



Gita Ayunda Hasanusindhy

Hello Leny, boleh nanya2 ga? hehe, maaf ya kalo sksd :)

majalah sister nerima magang anak kuliahan gitu ga ya? aku butuh nambah pengalaman nih kebetulan lagi libur 3 bulan.kalo bisa dibidang fashion, bisa jadi assisten fashion stylist jg kok,Kalo ada, aku bisa kirim kemana ya Kak cv nya?

Makasih bgt.boleh bales disini, ato kalo di blog ku jg gapapa. Thaaaank you for listening Kak.